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February is Preconception Health Awareness Month

Preconception Health Awareness Month is an opportunity for health care professionals to re-familiarize themselves with the recommended components and importance of well-woman visits.

In recognition of February as Preconception Health Awareness month, KDHE has developed the attached Action Alert and social media graphics for your use. Please share this information with the individuals you serve, your colleagues, collaborative community partners and on your social media platforms.

View the full action alert PDF

Social Media Graphics and Messages

Post 1

Preconception health is about getting healthy and staying healthy throughout your life. It applies to both women and men - regardless if you are planning to have a baby. Preconception health means taking control and choosing healthy habits. To learn more:

La salud preconcepcional consiste en estar sano y mantenerse sano durante toda la vida. Se aplica tanto a las mujeres como a los hombres, independientemente de si planean tener un bebé. La salud antes de la concepción significa tomar el control y elegir hábitos saludables. Para aprender más:

Post 2

Preconception health is about making a plan for the future and taking the steps to get there. For assistance in making your plan:

La salud preconcepcional consiste en planificar el futuro y dar los pasos necesarios para conseguirlo. Si necesita ayuda para hacer su plan:

Post 3

Preconception care can increase your chances of becoming pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and having a healthy baby. Learn more about preconception health:

La atención preconcepcional puede aumentar sus probabilidades de quedar embarazada, tener un embarazo sano y tener un bebé sano. Aprenda más sobre la salud preconcepcional en:

Post 4

About 95% of unintended pregnancies occur in women who do not use contraception or use it inconsistently or incorrectly. To learn more about achieving and preventing pregnancy visit:

Alrededor del 95% de los embarazos no deseados ocurren en mujeres que no usan métodos anticonceptivos o los usan de manera inconsistente o incorrecta. Para aprender más sobre cómo lograr y prevenir el embarazo, visite:

Post 5

It is equally as important for men and women to be actively involved in pregnancy planning and prevention. To learn more about achieving and preventing pregnancy visit:

Es igualmente importante que hombres y mujeres participen activamente en la planificación y prevención del embarazo. Para aprender más sobre cómo lograr y prevenir el embarazo, visite:

Post 6

Sexual health is an important part of wellness. Painful sex is treatable and can be an indicator of something else going on. It can be awkward or uncomfortable to share such personal information but it's just as important getting treatment for pain in any area of the body. #PreconceptionHealthAwareness.

La salud sexual es una parte importante del bienestar. El dolor en las relaciones sexuales es tratable y puede ser un indicador de que algo más está sucediendo. Puede resultar extraño o incómodo compartir esa información tan personal, pero es igualmente importante recibir tratamiento para el dolor en cualquier parte del cuerpo. #PreconceptionHealthAwareness.

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